Friday, 2 September 2011

Racing thoughts...

Everybody has racing thoughts, who doesn't?
It's 1 a.m and I am still as awake as I was midday. I have thoughts crashing in my head, As soon as one enters, it exits and there's a new thought. What thoughts are these, I don't remember.

Earlier today, Mum had asked me to go get her water. I can bet on it I knew she asked for water, I heard it. But, I went and got her a biscuit. All this while, I thought I had a poor hearing capacity. But, in actuality, my mind is a chaotic thing. I freeze when I have these racing thoughts which are almost always. 

I know I heard you, I heard what you said. But I cant recall what you said. I feel paralyzed and stupid, I was so sure I heard you... I can't prove it to myself, let alone prove it to you because I am now thinking if this is all pretentious of me or real?
 I should have asked you what you said, But I heard you. How can I prove to you that I did?

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