Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Beginnings: Spirituality

Things don't just happen for no reason, everything happens for a reason and all these reasons make up the story of our life...

I have always been intuitive as a person, always looking for insight and learning through that insight. I like talking to people, but I haven't felt it absolutely necessary. I know silences could get uncomfortable, but it's better than a thousand thoughtless words. We have looked at the world from our own perspective, as if everybody else lacked it. I remember on my routine ride to college in the morning, I used to fume at the bumpy roads, clumsy walkers, disturbed drunkards, hurried schoolkids, underage riders, haphazard rickshaw wallas and anything that came my way. That discontent disappeared as soon as the source of discontent was out of the picture. Coming to college, I would whine about overload of assignments, inconsiderate teachers, merciless security guards and such annoyances. It was as if the whole world revolved around ME and as if everybody else was Wrong and I was Right.

Like how tiny teeny life experiences teach us some amazing things and being with the right person/ people teach us more than our awareness can take. I started simplifying myself more, quit my complex ways of thought.
Possibilities -- happenings
Assumptions -- facts
Expectations-- passions
Dreams-- inspiration
imagination-- future!

I wouldn't say I have mastered all of the above, but I know where I am going. Sometimes, it's necessary to know where you are headed than to what you are headed for. I realized that Life is suffering, not all disasters can be averted. Outside of yourself, there are others who are suffering. Everybody is in need of things, people, places.... Greed, Malice, Craving, Fear, Negativity have taken a toll on human thought and speaking out of experience they are quite habit forming and hard to get rid of .... Not Impossible.

It's been a stark 4 days since the new beginning of who I am.. But, I am proud of the significant progress I have made in my thinking and the level it's taken me to. The roads are bumpy because they are just not taken care of-- whether by an authority or it's own pedestrians. The people are in a hurry because they have to get somewhere as much as you do. The world no longer revolves around me. I am just a small microscopic speck in this universe, there is a world outside of my world and worlds unexplored too. The biggest gift that I can give to myself in this gigantic space is Hard work, Wisdom, Knowledge, Truth, Acceptance and Solitude.

The above I am intending to master, and master I will.
This is to the Beginning....

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