Sunday, 18 December 2011

The chain of Suffering

The whole of humankind has been inflicted with pain at different points of their lives. For some people a minor event may have caused immense pain and for some others major events have left their lives forever altered. What we don’t realize is that, the credit of our ever increasing wisdom goes to the suffering we endure. But, like anything else, there always comes a saturation point when we feel the point of endurance has exceeded our bearable limit. The reason I stress on “we feel” is because everybody is different in the way they take things. The universal nature of suffering is such that even though we perceive our lives to be near perfect, there’s suffering outside of our existence which is inescapable and now, which human is not touched by the turmoil outside our own lives?
The reason this pain manifests itself repeatedly is because we become somewhat habituated to the pain and there are also extremes where people feel it’s abnormal not to get struck with catastrophes. This begins a chain of craving for pain itself, a lot of us may not have known it but deep inside our subconscious there are even negative feelings’ willing to be tended to, this forms a dangerous vicious cycle.
But, my purpose of positing this problem is not to bring up something you already know. I would like to share a sum of my knowledge with everybody and especially for those who want to break this vicious cycle of suffering. It is said that “Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes.” (Buddha)
Happiness is but momentary gratification for those who live life normally and don’t realize that life is but, suffering. All of us want to be happy and the true happiness that comes from knowing yourself is the greatest mastery over all subject matters. To get rid of unhappiness, jealousy, hatred, envy and suffering, you shouldn’t try to avoid what makes you unhappy because that way you are only forming bubbles in your heart and once it becomes a big bubble, it bursts. Try to feel your unhappiness at its fullest, try to feel jealousy at its fullest, try to feel hatred at its fullest, try to feel envy at its fullest and likewise feel suffering at its fullest. When you have felt all of these strong emotions, you find yourself shuddering (that’s normal) but, don’t give up yet. Feel it and let it gradually slide off your mind, you will see that your mind will have itself done the trick of replacing these strong emotions with mini endorphins (happy thoughts). If you find yourself still lingering onto the negative emotions, know that this is happening because you are clinging on to them and not feeling them in a relaxed manner. Treat these negative emotions just like you would treat your tranquil state and you will know that unhappiness, jealousy, hatred, envies and suffering are only feelings.
Keep practicing the above. The mantra is to understand the feelings rather than attacking them, to feel them instead of avoiding them. How would you do it? Sit where you are comfortable and in any relaxed position, keep your back straight, close your eyes and keep a relaxed mind. Don’t force the negative emotions into your mind; take it one at a time. Picture unhappiness... What would make you extremely unhappy or what makes you unhappy? Now, picture hatred… What do you hate or what would you hate to happen? Now, the same with jealousy and envy
Move on to suffering, while picturing suffering don’t focus on your own suffering, also, focus on the suffering of the outside world which has affected you the most. Now, picture yourself in a whole big universe… Aren’t you just a microscopic speck?
Now, let your emotions flow, if jealousy affects you more than unhappiness or any other emotion- Feel it, you don’t have to give equal importance to all of the above emotions. Here, you’ll find yourself growing tired or exhausted from the whole method. Shift your focus on breathing, talk to your mind-e.g. “ok, now I’m taking in a small breath, but I’ve exhaled a large breath. Now… a deep breath in and a deep breath out.”
Then, you will begin feeling calm and the strong emotions begin to subside little by little. Then you have achieved a state of positivity and calm. Keep doing this everyday or as often as you can, you will find yourself realizing after continuous practice that unhappiness, hatred, jealousy, envy and suffering are only a product of your own mind and they are emotions you can let go off and that day, your life will have changed for the best.

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