Saturday, 24 December 2011


In this modern era, we find ourselves constantly bothered with a part of the body we'd like to change. There are a lot of people obsessing about even things like a fat eyebrow and when advised to get them thinned out at a parlor, the complaint changes to "No... It’s just the shape of it I don't like".

Whatever happened to being happy with what you have?

The media and even stormy discussions end with the blame falling on celebrities influencing and bringing a self-conscious race of populace. I even find my 6 year old niece playing for hours outside so she could lose weight. More people are going bald everyday and they whine about their diet being right. But, my friend, what about that poor stressed mind of yours? If only more people stopped bothering about how they looked in comparison and embraced their natural good looks- the world would have been a prettier place.
And how is it that you embrace your natural good looks? Enhance them!
The problem with the world is dependence and trust on cosmetic products which swear on delivering desired results. If you read the ingredients behind a product case, you are foolish to think that those are all the chemicals that go into the product. If cosmetic companies were to put a complete recipe for their rat race, then all products would have been the same. The solution to move away from this faulty sphere is to give up on cosmetics!
Applying makeup once in a while is completely alright, but making it the bane of your existence isn't! There are people going for ayurvedic products and I've been victim to those to. But, the best you can do for your beauty is to make your own face packs. It's not just easy; it's also worthwhile and has longer lasting effects with no side- effects. 

If you are concerned about a part of your body you'd like to exchange with a celebrity, take a step back and think about the parts of your body the celebrity desperately needs of you (this list could go on from a real nose, lips, buttocks to anything).

Feeling Lucky?
I'm honestly not a fan of exercise because it's hard to stick to. But, for those who have stuck to their exercise regime- Kudos!
For those who find an exercise difficult, consider walking. Walking is the "most" effective exercise and you only have to make sure you move your arms and body in sync as you walk so that your whole body is feeling the walk. 
But, most of all, please try to be away from the plasticity of the modern era. Get natural!

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