Friday, 16 December 2011

Silly cries of Envy.

As kids, We have tried to give our homework complete with underlined headings and our neatest cursive handwriting. Yet, have seen the misfortune of being ignored while the "best" girl wearing a pink clip got an A- Grade with a star. The same homework got worse each year and we still stood clapping for the "best" girl who still didn't get punished for wearing her pink clips while the rest of us had to confine our beauty to black and white. 
The same attitude towards the "best" girl as being someone out of the universe who was perfect at everything she did grew just like creepers made their way round and round. We became conditioned to perceiving ourselves as utterly "Average" while the "best" girl shone with all the color on her. Then, we were brought to a new world of crushes where the "best" girl again got it all. Right from being the first one to start waxing her legs to being invited to parties-- we thought she had it all.
We submerged our ego to an extent where we brought shame to evolution itself. We begun disliking people along the way and started making friends that we thought were pretty much " Average" too. 

A cycle of distress we ourselves weaved all because of Envy... The pink clip girl substituted the short skirt girl to the kitten heel girl to whatever other woman we felt envious about.Amateurs at work even after four years of slogging and sucking up to the boss, we were still tied up to envy.
Would you want your life to be like that? 
I hope not.

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