Sunday, 18 November 2012

3 commandments to keeping your Cat happy

Many of us cat families prefer to keep our cats indoors because they are, at the end of the day just like our children. Although cats by genetics belong to the outdoors, the outdoors hold their share of dangers against which we want to guard our lovely pets. Even my religious teaching are against the idea of forbidding a cat from going outside, but I am very skeptic about this notion. I care for my cat enough to provide him the longevity, happiness and comfort of living and wandering around the house. Cats CAN be happy indoors. Just because your cat is 'meowing' at the main door doesn't mean that he is not happy living with you. Cats like humans, are very curious by nature. Every time you step into the house from outside, your cat's curiosity is reawakened as he sniffs you and realizes that there are still parts of the world he needs to discover. ( Very much like our bucket list to visit 100 places before we die)

Jumping to the 5 commandments, I am not stating these out of any science or behavioral psychology but, out of my own observations:

1. Play it tough with your cat: Many of you might find this pretty scary, but it is not. It is completely normal for a cat to build up all the adrenaline inside of them with no outlet to vent it out. This is when cats start behaving in unacceptable ways like attacking your feet, scratching furniture, creating more litter mess, etc. Allot 15- 30 minutes of your time every day to play with your cat and play it tough! Make him run, chase and very satisfied by the end of this activity.

2. Share your bed: There is nothing greater for a cat than feeling secure. Many cats sleep with their owners as a habit forming process and to feel at home. But, if you discourage this early on then it is unlikely that a cat can be forced to sleep where you do. So, share your bed with your cat and be a true mommy.

3. Catnip:  Even cats need some euphoria! catnip is 100% safe and 100% natural and 50% effective. This range of effectivity is because of a cats genetics. Not all cats react to catnip the same way, in fact, some cats may even turn their nose away from it because it has no effect in them. However to figure this out, you'll have to try and see. My cat goes crazy after catnip and sleeps for hours while the effect is wearing off.

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