Saturday, 4 February 2012

3, February 2012. The Gratitude

Dear diary,

Have been fortunate to learn the best lessons in life so far. Looking back, I can only smile at the experiences which have only made my conscience stronger. Looking back, grateful for the strength to accept things the way they are and the way they have turned out to be. Walking alone under a lonely sky no longer causes anguish and discomfort. Gracefully, I smile to myself for being a good person to me and only wish to do the same to as many earthlings as I can. Seen the happier times, the downhill and as they say ' the usual everyday life'. Felt a warm breeze trickle my forehead post a finished business and a chill down my spine for little achievements that I have garnered. Held principles as strong as steel for the little things that matter. Made a big difference to the 'me' I was. Felt Selfishness to realize the value of selflessness and learnt from the stones that could have caused a great fall but, didn't. 
Through it all, one soul connects to the rhythm of my heart. With memories of laughter, joy, silence, craziness, inspiration, togetherness.. It is the intertwining of these souls that has brought me through the day with an unfailingly habitual thought every dawn and dusk, with flashbulb memories running through the day. It is to this alone, that the infectious value of affection comes to say the final word at the deathbed. It is the perfect rose with the most perfect thorns, how life is. Each step upwards with dedication, perspiration and inspiration leads one to the breath taking beauty of the petals of life that nature has so beautifully designed. 

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