Friday, 24 February 2012

The astonishment.

I dont know how to start writing this article. The more I think about it, the more I am convinced that there is no better way of putting what I have to say.
We see a dozen people smiling by us everyday. We don't seize to smile ourselves at the little humor we find in things.  On the same continuum, we commit petty crimes everyday ( not with regard to the legal definition of petty crimes) . When we deny the slightest help to a person we could help, when we take for granted people and their emotions, when we laugh and bemuse ourselves with mockery- we are committing crimes against humanity. How does it matter if it's a big or a small crime? A crime is a crime after all.
The greatest agony in this truth is that, under all circumstances, these crimes against humanity were avoidable. We are all caught so much with ignorance that we fail to attribute what we know to what we believe.

If we know that hurting people is wrong, we wouldn't cry at a movie centered around violence because we know that people get hurt everyday. Their needn't be deaths to prove this point. If we seize from hurting people both in speech and action, we understand the laws of nature and most importantly we will be treated the way we treat others. But, when we are being treated immorally by others. We prove to be just as immoral if we do the same. We shouldn't change who we are and what values we hold.
As Oskar Schindler firmly believed, " Power doesn't lie with those who have the authority to kill and do kill. Power lies with those who have the authority to kill yet, forgive".
Similarly, Forgive those who hurt you because it's not in your hands to decide their fate. What people sow, they reap.  It's nature's bigger plan.

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