Thursday, 7 June 2012

Bane of existence

Some are born into families who eat animals, some choose to eat them. They all form the group of carnivores- hunting, butchering and slaughtering animals. I know for a fact that we are all concerned about our health and for this very reason let me tell you that more than 1.5 million deaths only in the U.S. (oh and by the way I'm referring to human deaths as the number is a 100 times greater for animal deaths) annually are related to diet, particularly over consumption of beef and other foods high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Now, we may think to ourselves, phew, at least I'm not a fan of red meat. For those eating other forms of meat, particularly Chicken because it has a big share of fans all over the world.
MYTH: Chicken has less cholesterol.
FACT: Not true.

MYTH: Chicken is a healthier option.
FACT: So Wrong.
( To know more shocking details, visit : )

We are Murderers, we do not need a knife and bloodstains to prove that. The natural life cycle didn't permit us to eat meat. Cavemen had little knowledge or choice, we have both knowledge and choice to save our Earthlings. Even those that are bred only for consumption- How pathetic is that anyway? Having to live only to benefit someone else's appetite.

In Spirituality, Non- vegetarian food is considered to be tamasic which implies 'ignorance' and 'inertia' because of the extent of suffering caused to the animal.

Could eating Non- vegetarian food possibly affect the economy? According to Worldwatch institute, " Massive reductions in meat consumption in industrial nations will ease the healthcare burden while improving public health, declining livestock herds will take pressure off of rangelands and grainlands allowing agricultural resource to rejuvenate. This implies, in simpler words, lower meat consumption equals to more efficient use of per capita land and water resources and hence more affordable grains to the wold's chronically hungry population. What more? Save your money and follow a vegetarian diet and indirectly do yourself the favor of long and healthy living.

Out of mere curiosity, I also researched what the other end has to say to it's defense. A research on Google also brought me to an article in favor of non- vegetarian food. It said: People switch to vegetarian diets to live longer and imagine what damage that could cause to the pharmaceutical companies?"

I could only give you more reasons to be reasonable but relinquish your ignorance and you will forever be ignorant. :)

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