Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Bootless Entreaties

The common underlying reason why most people quit is because they don't see results and feel that their efforts surmount the outcome. People are born into this world with expectations, so the next time anybody says they have no expectations, they just don't want the world to know that they do have expectations!

Yesterday, I took a walk with my neice on a skywalk and she scared me saying that it shakes whenever anybody walks on it. I told her that it was scary that she had to take that same skywalk everyday to her school. But, although she said " I don't care", the reason she walks on the skywalk isn't because she doesn't care if she fell down and broke her back ( does that even make sense?) but because she expects to reach the other end of the skywalk- safe and sound.

That was just a little example of my meaning of expectation. You can say it plays squash with "Hope" because hope and expectation do not exist without one another. It's like saying there is no motive without a drive, similarly, there is no expectation without hope. People enter into a profession with a set of expectations and also in the fast paced world today- need success overnight. But, how is that even possible?

There are a lot of forces that play in whether a person succeeds or not. For some, success was their destiny and for some others luck had a major role and yes, they just happened to be in the right place at the right time to have a bountifulness entreaty. But, an important attribute that goes antique here is that hard work too has a vital role to play. Without enough work, how would success even invite you into her arms? Here, I could introduce a bunch of other words- passion, motivation, dedication etc etc etc. Aren't they all interlinked? What's to say about being lucky to be successful? It's like winning a lottery- extremely rare.

I'm far ahead of offering my advice here because experience is the best teacher and most of all we have heard these words passed on from generations to generations. Somewhat of a cliche huh? If you think yes then :

Let experience teach you, but wisdom guide you. :)

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