Monday, 11 June 2012

Standing Tall

I maybe one among many of those,
who are born the same way and die just the same.
I may have come from a mother's womb like you,
cried at birth with oxygen flushing my brain, just like yours.
I may have been pushed to school and forced to make alliances
and, so have you been through the same.
I may have tumbled upon my own laces and bruised my knee,
you bruised your elbow and yet it's all the same.
I may have stolen candies, money, hearts and minds
so have you, my partner in crime.

I blush at the sight of daisies,
you tremble at the sight of gourd.
you blush at the sight of daisies,
I tremble at the sight of gourd.
we are all the same, as we do the same.

But, when you are the rain
and I become the wind.
I swish you and you won't just go away.
you fight back and wish to stay,
while I fight back and too, wish to stay.
we merge, truce, sacrifice
 and make hay until the sun shines
I am still the wind and you are still rain,
we do the same, yet what sets us apart?

Stand tall and BELIEVE in yourself.
It sets you apart  :)

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